[Histonet] please enter
Amos Brooks
amosbrooks <@t> gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 22:23:45 CDT 2010
If you have a question the best thing to do is ask, so you are on the
right track. I have three really good suggestions for you.
First speak to your pathologists and try to learn as much as you
possibly can from them about what they are looking for. This will
familiarize you with what you need to know.
Second, Read your antibody data sheets. Not just the parts of them that
tell you how to do the procedure. Any (good) data sheet that should come
with your antibodies will explain about the antibody, what it is, what it
labels and which disease processes it is used for.
Finally and very importantly use those autostainer companies until they
get sick of you and then some more. (They like it when you do this ...
really) They have some great literature that should help you. The new Cell
Marque catalog is GREAT, it has images of each antibody on positive tissue,
and great descriptions of each. DAKO has some of the best IHC guides out
there. This is a link to a PDF of their Staining Methods Guide
http://pri.dako.com/08002_ihc_staining_methods_5ed.pdf and they also have
another really good book describing many clinically used antibodies with
great images and descriptions. Unfortunately I can't recall the name of the
book, if anyone can refresh my memory I'd appreciate it. There is a similar
one for special stains.
Now while I said three suggestions I'll toss in another anyway. The
internet can be very helpful. Wikipedia can be useful for example in answer
to your question about C4d, I found
Have a great day,
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 10:45:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: mohamed abd el razik <k84as <@t> yahoo.com>
Subject: [Histonet] please enter
To: Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Message-ID: <875537.15783.qm <@t> web112609.mail.gq1.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Dear histonetters
i have a requist for all of you as i'm new in histochemistery and IHC as
many other frinds i know in histonet . we found it difficult to know the
name and use of many antibodies in many many topics so we can't understand
the all masages and replaing on it. and lose the opportunity to learn from
it!! and we are ashamed to talk about that with experts like you.but the
group lose its functionality in teaching IHC for the new histologiest
so i put our proplem on your hands and my hope is to help us to find
an example of what i'm taking about is what is C4d and for what it is used?
thanx in advance to your help and for these amazing group
Faculty of Vet. Med.
Cairo Univ. - Egypt
We use the same antibody from Cell Marque on the Dako Autostainers with
great success.
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