[Histonet] wright-giemsa stain on tissue

Medea McGraw mmcgraw <@t> phenopath.com
Wed May 6 16:24:03 CDT 2009

 I was just looking in the histonet archives concerning doing a Wright
Giemsa stain on FFPE tissue. We have a a FFPE cell pellet and was wondering
the protocol on how you would stain this tissue? In the past, I have
performed Wright Giemsa stains only on BALĀ¹s / cytospins and therefore I am
unsure of how to properly stain the researchers tissue. Any idea? Input on
how to go about doing this? What if you were to rehydrate down to water and
perform the test from there? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Medea J. McGraw BS, HT, HTL(ASCP) CM
IHC Research Histotechnologist
Phenopath Laboratories
Phone: 206-374-9000 x1033
Fax: 206-374-9009

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