Re: [Histonet] Disposal of Formaldehyde

TF tifei <@t>
Fri Mar 13 11:05:26 CDT 2009

Hard to say...
we perfuse sooooooooooo many animals everyday...several litres for one lab
into the sea



发件人: Jessica Piche 
发送时间: 2009-03-13  23:25:02 
收件人: histonet 
主题: [Histonet] Disposal of Formaldehyde 
Hi All, 
We have a question regarding the disposal of formaldehyde. We were told at our hospital that a consultant said it was okay to dump formaldehyde down the drain. I believe they said it was okay to dump 15 gallons or so a day! We are not to fond of this idea and would like to know what everyone else is doing. How is everyone disposing of their formaldehyde? We would be especially interested in what other hospitals in CT are doing. 
Jessica Piche-Grocki, HT(ASCP)
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