[Histonet] Dako anti-bodies

Matthew Lunetta MLunetta <@t> luhcares.org
Thu Jun 4 13:15:54 CDT 2009

Hello Netters

We have just changed over to the new DAKO stainer and we have several anti-bodies RTU for the autostainer that we will not be using. All of the have a 2010 experation date. If you are interested in them please contact me off line

AE1-3	2010-07	11ml
BCL2	2010-06	11ml
CD15	2009-09	11ml
CD3	2010-07	11ml
CD30	2010-01	11ml
CD31	2010-05	7ml
CD5	2010-03	11ml
CEA	2010-08	11ml
CK20	2010-07	7ml
CK7	2010-07	7ml
CMV	2010-06	7ml
EMA	2010-06	11ml
ER	2010-07	11ml
ER	2010-07	11ml
GFAP	2010-02	11ml
HMB45	2010-04	11ml
HMW	2010-06	11ml
Ki67	2010-08	11ml
LCA	2010-06	11ml
MELAN A	2009-12	11ml
PR	2010-07	11ml
PSA	2009-05	11ml
S100	2010-07	11ml
SMA	2010-02	7ml
SYNAPTP	2010-02	11ml
TTF1	2010-06	11ml
VIMEN	2010-04	11ml

Matt Lunetta HT (ASCP)

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