Steven Hacker stevenhacker <@t> verizon.net
Thu Feb 12 20:45:36 CST 2009

   Hey, Jim...

   How well does the Dako RTU work on the Ventana XT?
   Feb 12, 2009
     We  are  te     products we are looking     Dako  Monoclonal  Clone  304-1A5 and Zeta Corp. Mouse and Rabbit M     onoclonal  Cocktail 304-1A5 and 31A5. I believe the Dako product is
     an  IVD  a     Benchmark  XT and I wondere     on  the  Ventana.  If  you are could you     that  you  are  using? In addition I think our path     prefer the cocktail however I know rather not use an ASR pro     Any suggestions?
     Jim Vickroy BS, HT(ASCP)
     T     Memorial Medical Ce     217-788-4046
     [2]vickroy.jim <@t> mhsil.com
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