[Histonet] Re: Helicobacter control slides

Robert Richmond rsrichmond <@t> gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 14:50:56 CDT 2009

Kathy Maddox in Lake Charles, Louisiana asks:

>>I need to buy some Helicobacter Pylori special stain control slides. The ones I have previously bought were from rat tissue and our pathologists don't like them. Can anyone suggest a company that I can purchase them from?<<

Most of the pathology services I've worked with use known positives
from their own cases. (Once in a great while you'll see a gastrectomy
specimen that provides a lifetime supply.) Obviously the material
should be positive with the stain you use (dye? silver? IHC?)

I'd trust animal tissue for a dye stain, definitely not for an
immunostain, since there are many species of Helicobacter. The two
species that infect humans, H. pylori and H. heilmannii )=
Gastrospirillum hominis) both mark with the standard IHC reagents.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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