[Histonet] Telly's fixative. Also Bodian.
John Kiernan
jkiernan <@t> uwo.ca
Wed Nov 19 11:04:46 CST 2008
R. Tellyesniczky published more than one
fixative, 1898-190 AFA or FAA: mostly ethyl alcoh and about 5% acetic acid. It was Bodian (<EM>Anat. Rec</EM>. <S TRONG>69</STRONG>: 153-162) as the best fixative for
subsequent (<EM>Anat. Rec< 89-97). AFA mixtures are gene formaldehyde fixatives if you need to stain no axons in paraffin sections with any silver method. <BR> <BR>Bob Richmond may remember Bodian from Johns
H functional in people wit virus-killed muscles that were paralysed b adult human spinal cord is 45 cm columns can be appreciated only in transv <BR> <BR>John Kiernan<BR>Neuroanat UWO<BR>London, Canada<BR> http://instruct .uwo.ca/anatomy/530/<BR>= = =<BR>----- Original
Messag <jhnspam <@t> aol.com>< November 18, 2008 12:14<BR>Subject: [ Telly's fixative<BR>To: histonet <@t> pathology.swmed .edu<BR><BR>> <BR>> Does anyone have a
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