[Histonet] alkaline phosphatase

John Kiernan jkiernan <@t> uwo.ca
Thu Nov 13 13:59:35 CST 2008

   Alkaline  phosphatases  are  enzymes  that  catalyse the hydrolysis of
   phosph   (formed  by  acti   the phenolic side-ch   blocking reactions for    are:<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   Acylation,   with      acetic anhydride of benzoyl
   chloride<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   iodine<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;   Nitrati   tetranitromethane.<BR>None of these reactions are speci   tyrosine,  but  they  will  prevent  histochemical reactions that g   enerate  coloured  products with that amino acid, such as the Millon
   tes   UWO<BR>   =<BR><BR>---Original       Message--   Cristiana&nbsp;ICH               &lt;cristiana.soldani <@t> hu   manitas.it&gt;<BR>Date:  Thursday,  November  13, 2008
   11:   phosphatase<BR>To: hi   stonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu<BR><BR>&gt;  I would
   li   <BR>&gt;    cryo   tyrosine.<BR>&gt;   <BR>&   phosphatase    from    shrimp    (sigma)    but    I   don't   know   how<BR>&gt; many units I have to use, the temperature, the
      thanks<BR>&   _________________   _______________________   5F   list<BR>&gt;   Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu<BR>&gt;

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