[Histonet] Anti-MIP 1a antibody, anti - RANKL antibody

ChoiUl Soo cytologer <@t> msn.com
Sat Mar 29 00:23:21 CDT 2008

Hello histonetters! Always thanks to your kind feedbacks on my questions, and still I have one question..... I am wondering if anyone has experience with anti MIP-1a and RANKL antibody to canine tissues.  Greatly appreciated if you locate me ones which are cross reactive to dog FFPE tissues.  Thank you,  Regards,  Ul Soo Choi, DVM, PhDHaemeru Ltd. (Haemaru Referral Animal Hospital)272-5 Veteterinary Science Bld., Seo Hyun dong, Bun Dang gu, Sung Nam city,Kyung Gi do, Korea 463-050TEL 82-31-781-2992FAX 82-31-781 2993 
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