[Histonet] RE: fine needle muscle biopsies

Sharon Allen SAllen <@t> exchange.hsc.mb.ca
Thu Jun 19 09:40:06 CDT 2008

From: Sharon Allen 
Sent: June 17, 2008 8:14 AM
To: 'histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu'
Subject: FW: fine needle muscle biopsies

Can anyone doing fine needle muscle biopsies, share their method for
handling these bx's i.e. method for freezing, technique for orientating,
any tricks etc.
I have been doing open muscle bx's for many years, but have a new
neurosurgeon coming to town that wants to do this method & I would like
any help I can get.
Thanks in advance,
sallen <@t> hsc.mb.ca
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