[Histonet] 7B11 clone of Ki67

Sebree Linda A LSebree <@t> uwhealth.org
Fri Dec 12 12:45:53 CST 2008

Good afternoon, 'netters,

I am in desperate need of Ki67 antibody, clone 7B11 preferably, to use
on Ventana instruments.  I didn't realize we were running low and our
usual vendor has no stock.  I'd prefer a predilute but only if it is
known to work on our instruments.  I don't have the time to search this
out myself so I am turning to all of you.


Linda A. Sebree
University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics
IHC/ISH Laboratory
DB1-223 VAH
600 Highland Ave.
Madison, WI 53792

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