[Histonet] Mammary tissue specific stain
koellingr <@t> comcast.net
koellingr <@t> comcast.net
Mon Aug 18 22:35:55 CDT 2008
Not understanding exactly what is your project. With flat whole mounts of mouse mammary tissue, you can do a whole mount alum-carmine stain to stain the branching network of ducts and terminal sacs. It is in literature hundreds of times over. Essentially you are dissolving a lot of lipds so the branch work stands out in 3-D through the whole mount under a scope. And you can process that whole mount, make normal slides and still see the mammary glands and branches or even re-stain in carmine/mucicarmine to make staining stand out even more. Or do a cytokeratin stain on slides to see the breast tissue. Of course the slides will be 6 micron sections, so a thin portion, compared to whole mount carmine stains. Have done all of these things but it depends on what specifically you are after.
Ray Koelling
PhenoPath Labs
Seattle, WA
-------------- Original message --------------
From: "Loralei Dewe" <lldewe <@t> gmail.com>
> Hi All,
> I am looking for stain that will stain mouse mammary gland tissue without
> picking up the surrounding background lipids. Any ideas? I could be either a
> special type stain or antibody stain??
> Cheers,
> Lorie
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