[Histonet] eGFP Protein
Gayle Callis
gayle.callis <@t> bresnan.net
Wed Aug 13 13:19:57 CDT 2008
Yes, possible
What are you planning to do with the tissues being frozen-- either prefixing
and cyroprotecting or cutting fresh frozen tissues? How the tissue is
handled initially will often determine seeing the eGFP. For frozen sections
here, including undecalcified bone frozens, if we fix a fresh FS with a
solvent, we detect our GFP via immunofluorescent staining. AntiGFP (either
Goat or Rabbit - Rockland) and coming back with a secondary labelled with
FITC or Alexa 488. We have found our solvent fixation ruins the GFP, a well
known problem. Ig you are going to use IFA staining for FFPE tissues,
Teri Johnson prefers rabbit antiGFP instead of goat antiGFP - she says is
has given her less background staining with the FFPE. Since we do only
frozen sections, we like the goat, antiGFP, but either with work. We buy
our FITC conjugated secondaries from Jackson, usually made in Donkey,
adsorbed to species being stained and also F(ab')2 frag of IgG whenever
With formalin fixed tissues, it may better to detect the eGFP with antibody,
and come back with a secondary labelled with either FITC or Alexa 488. We
always use a green fluorophore so it matches the color of eGFP.
We have cut unfixed frozen sections, let them air dry and NOT FIX but mount
the dry section with Molecular Probes prolong gold with DAPI although we
have used it without DAPI too. These need to be looked asap, usually the
same day for us.
We do NOT like PFA or NBF fixed tissues for frozen sections due to the
aldehyde induced autofluorescence as this can mess up seeing a weak GFP
There are ways to help reduce autofluorescence chemically. Go to IHCworld
website, and click on fluroescence and autofluorescence. There is a link to
a group in Toronto that is a superb discussion of autofluorescence and how
to get rid of it. For FFPE tissue, we have use the glycine method to remove
free aldhydes. It is simple and works well for our minimally fixed NBF
tissue, no more than 8 hours, very thin pieces of tissue to guarantee good
Good Luck
Gayle M. Callis
----- Original Message -----
From: "Swain, Frances L" <SwainFrancesL <@t> uams.edu>
To: <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 11:22 AM
Subject: [Histonet] eGFP Protein
One of my PI's is wanting to identifiy eGFP in not only frozen sections but
also paraffin sections. These will be mouse aortas is that possible?
Frances L. Swain HT(ASCP) A. A. S.
Special Procedures Technician
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Center for Orthopaedic Research
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