[Histonet] stainless steel container

sharon.osborn <@t> comcast.net sharon.osborn <@t> comcast.net
Mon Aug 4 12:20:11 CDT 2008

Amber, consider looking in a kitchen ware department for stainless steel mixing bowls or tall cannister sets with the appropriate sized containers that you want.  Also, commercial kitchen/restuarant suppliers will have large stainless steel containers as well as varying sizes.  If you have a Smart and Final, they sometimes have cooking utensils.

sharon osborn, BS,HT(ASCP)CT
ThermoFisher Scientific
Fremont, CA

Message: 11
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 11:06:26 -0500
From: "Amber McKenzie" <amber.mckenzie <@t> gastrodocs.net>
Subject: [Histonet] stainless steel bucket
To: <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
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Does anyone know where I can purchase a stainless steel basket/bucket to
wash my cassette lids in?  We use xylene and Liqui-Nox to wash them each
day and our plastic buckets eventually end up tearing and breaking over
time and I have to constantly replace them, so I'm looking for something
more stable like stainless steel. 

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