[Histonet] processing PFA fixed alginate beads

Gayle Callis gayle.callis <@t> bresnan.net
Fri Aug 1 16:23:31 CDT 2008

I Googled this subject and brought up several publications using alginate beads embedded in paraffin. HOwever, the following publication, using cryotomy, had better results than using paraffin sections.  

Also, Yang C-C, et al.  Adapted cyrosectioning method for hydrogels used in regenerative medicine.  J Histotechnology 30(3):185-191, 2007.  Linda Jenkins, on of the co-authors, was a huge part of this, has much experience with hydrogels.   In this publication, they fabricated their own alginate beads.   The reference list is extensive and informative. 

Good Luck

Gayle M. Callis



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