[Histonet] Looking for a specific type of slide tray.....

Mindy Johnson m5johnso <@t> meded.ucsd.edu
Tue Sep 11 14:58:31 CDT 2007

Hi All-


We are looking for some trays that hold slides.  We currently have about 3
and I need more.  They look old school and I have no clue the technical term
for them.  But, they hold about 50 slides (5 rows hold about 10 each), are
flat on one side and the other is divided into the 5 rows, the material is
made of that stuff that resembles a wood like fiberboard.  They are
extremely handy for our lab and good for after cutting I put in the
incubator to make sure they are totally dry before staining.  Anyone have
any idea where I can find something similar to this?


Thank you so much for your help!




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