[Histonet] Re:Formalin

Schaundra Walton schaundrawalton <@t> yahoo.com
Wed Oct 17 10:26:18 CDT 2007

We neutralize our formalin and then dump down the drain.  We had been using Formalex, but are in the process of switching to Surgipath's D-Formalizer.  D-formalizer is a powder that you add to the formalin.  The pH remains neutral and there is a test kit you can get to be sure that the formalin has been neutralized.  Its easy to use, cost effective, and only takes about 15-30 minutes to work.  It's great.  Hope this helps.

Schaundra Walton BS HTL(ASCP)
Swedish American Hospital
1401 E. State St. 
Rockford, IL 61104
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