[Histonet] Washed out nuclear staining???
Rene J Buesa
rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Thu Oct 11 14:39:48 CDT 2007
You are right when saying that the VIP is not the culprit, but the temperature at which the slides were dried. You either have two drying ovens (one at more than 60ºC) or one batch was subjected to higher temperature that the other for whatever reason.
Probably you also used controls already ready to stain and added just before staining the batches, and that could explain why the controls came OK and some slides did not.
This problem was dealt with in an article of the Journal of Histotechnology (vol.13, No.2 pp 135-6, 1990).
Hope this solved the mistery!
René J.
Greg Dobbin <gvdobbin <@t> ihis.org> wrote:
Hi Folks,
Mystery to solve. Some of the surgical cases that came off our stainer
today had very pale washed out looking nuclei. Our H&E control was fine
(ran it twice) so it tells me the problem is either at the source or in
the tissue processor. However, since not all cases are affected, I can't
see how it could be the processor (VIP 5).
So if it is the source, what are we talking about-something other than
formalin in their formalin bottles? Contaminated formalin? Insufficient
fixation time?
Any and all comments will be welcome.
Thanks in advance (again!)
Greg Dobbin, R.T.
Chief Technologist, Histology Lab
Dept. of Laboratory Medicine,
Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
P.O. Box 6600
Charlottetown, PE C1A 8T5
Phone: (902) 894-2337
Fax: (902) 894-2385
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but absolutely none in doing the wrong thing excellently!
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