[Histonet] RE: Hey!
Mickie Johnson
mickie25 <@t> netzero.net
Sat Oct 6 21:11:29 CDT 2007
Hi Susan,
It sounds like you did well. Did you get any indication that Dr. Sawyer
would want you or me to come back in the near future? I don't want to set
you up for something else if she has a need. Yes, that was good to order
them a Belair catalogue. Were they using Gills II or III stain? I will send
you a protocol I have found to work very well for Mohs.
Mickie Johnson, B.S., HTL(ASCP)
Mohs Histology Consulting Services, LLC
& Mohs Lab Staffing
2507 S. Manito Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99203
Web: www.mohshistotemp.com & www.mohslabstaffing.com
Email: mickie25 <@t> netzero.net
From: historsd <@t> aol.com [mailto:historsd <@t> aol.com]
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 8:28 AM
To: mickie25 <@t> netzero.net
Subject: Hey!
Hi Mickie,
Just to touch base. I ended up training two people. One of the girls was a
PA and had a little experience. She caught on very quickly, asked the
correct questions and cut good sections with me looking over her shoulder.
The only troubleshooting I managed to get to was plastering defects and
placement of epi so it is perpendicular to knife. The other girl is the
aesthetition (I know I spelled that wrong). She was definately more unsure
of herself but did manage to complete the entire process, embedding through
sectioning and she did cut some nice sections. We even managed a little
microscopic examination. Dr. Sawyer has tried to use histotechs with no MOHS
training. She has only done 26 cases. I mentioned your suggestion of having
a trained MOHS tech look over a shoulder for 4 - 5 days, she said she only
does MOHS one day a week. They are also having a great deal of difficulty
with their stain. Most of the stains and reagents are for paraffin. I
ordered them a Belair catalog. Was that ok? or should you have done that?
Dr. Sawyer was very happy with the slides. We finished 7 cases the day I cut
and more than once I heard the comment that they had never been finished so
early in the day. Thanks for the check. I definately like the work and the
challenge. Do you utilize only Belair products? Should I keep a few of these
catalogs with me? Sorry so many ??? Just want to do right by you. I
appreciate the work. Let me know about Tenn. Susan
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