[Histonet] Re: Giemsa Stain

Robert Richmond RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Thu Nov 15 10:13:12 CST 2007

Bill (good ol' Bill - where?) says of staining Helicobacter:

>>I like Alcian yellow better, but we have trouble getting it. Anyone
know of a good, reliable source in the US? I think IHC is overkill and
too expensive.<<

The original chemical synthesis of Alcian yellow is not
environmentally safe, though the dye may still be made in countries
that are not concerned about such matters. Dick Dapson at Anatech told
us some time ago that he had achieved an environmentally acceptable
synthesis of Alcian yellow, but that the product did not have a
satisfactory shelf life. Anatech offers a substitute for Alcian
yellow, which I have not seen.

(I have no connection with Anatech.)

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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