[Histonet] CSI Las Vegas

Robyn Vazquez vazquezr <@t> ohsu.edu
Fri May 18 12:42:03 CDT 2007

Like never (pathologist doing own histo)...
ditto happy Friday

>>> "Thomas Pier" <tp2 <@t> medicine.wisc.edu> 5/18/2007 9:42 AM >>>

Yeah, my wife had to tell me to quite down when I started shouting
about how he was doing it all wrong.  The tissue was never fixed or
processed.  It probably would've been totally fried from the
"deparaffinization method" that was used.  He turned the wheel on the
microtome the wrong way.  The slide was also magically stained.  The
biggest problem though, is that a pathologist actually did his own
histology.  When was the last time that anybody saw that happen?

Happy Friday,

>>> "Jackie M O'Connor" <Jackie.O'Connor <@t> abbott.com> 05/18/07 10:38 AM
Anyone catch the histology scene in CSI last night?  The medical
took a piece of skin from a victim, put it in a mold, poured wax on it,

put it in a microtome, turned the wheel backwards to get a section on a

slide, melted the wax off with a Bunsen burner, then looked at the
under the microscope - -from that he determined that the victim was 
electrocuted.  I love TV science.

Happy Friday!

Jackie O'
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