[Histonet] RE:Switching from hospital histo to Research

Paula Sicurello psicurello <@t> mcvh-vcu.edu
Mon May 14 14:21:45 CDT 2007

   I  would  love  to be back in research.  Now I'm doing both cli   and research so I have the stress of getting clinical slides out whil   e  dealing  with  researchers  who wonder why their slides aren't done

   If  anybody needs a research histologist in S. Calif   call me!  :-)
   I've set up histo. labs for b
   Paula  :-)
   -----histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
     To: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
     From: Linda Jenkins <jli     Sent by: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.e     Date: 05/14/2007 03:08PM
     Subject: [Histonet] RE:Switching from hos     Hi, Carol!
         You  stated:
      " I'm contemplating making a switch from     histology department to supervising a pharmaceutica     histology dept. working with mostly rodent tissue.  Any     suggestions,  or  resources anyone would like to contribute wo     be
     greatly appreciated.  It seems like a much less stress leve     a
     hospital  is  at times,..... so what am I missing or not thinkin     about
     as far as the "problems" in this type of histology?"
         Well,  I  made  the  switch  18 years ago and      going back
     to clinical have never entered my mind. &nbs      Better
     pay, better benefits, MUCH less stre     or
     weekends unless I choose to do so     conventions and regional and state mee     another perk!  I think the primary ingr     transfer is that you must be self motivated and      independent work.  In clinical your days are fairly wel     (e.g.  embed, section, stain, etc.).  In research, you ju     know
     what each day will bring.  If you like orderly, rout     you
     might want to stay in clinical.  I brought human     research  lab  and  they  all had to be severely modified.     tissue
     is so lean you must modify processing protocols or     with (as Gayle Callis says) "crispy critters".  Y     to
     perform  stains  you  have only read about and they wi     need
     to  be  modified  on  top of that. The only thing I really     being
     able  to consult with a pathologist and histology colleag     I
     encounter  problems.  Part  of that problem was solved by joini     NSH's
     VIR & Hard Tissue committees where I have bunches of "bone     buddies" doing the stuff I am.  I still haven't found a resea     pathologist - much to my chagrin.
           &nbs         Lin
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