[Histonet] DAKO autostainer

Rene J Buesa rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Thu May 3 09:05:11 CDT 2007

IF it is in good condition and IF you can get a repair (parts and labor) reasonably priced contract, do not hesitate and buy it (once you have covered any possible but infrequent mechanical problems repaires).
  For me the DAKO autostainer is a very good piece of equipment.
  René J.

"Jo-Ann Bader, Ms." <jo-ann.bader <@t> mcgill.ca> wrote:
I have an offer to purchase a DAKO autostainer second hand. I know it has not been used very much. The offer is for $40,000.00, half the purchase price. I would appreciate hearing from those of you who have used one an what you think of it.

Jo-Ann Bader
Histology Facility Coordinator
Molecular Oncology Group
687 Pine Ave. W - Rm. M11-53
Montreal, QC, H3A-1A1
Tel: 514-934-1934 Ext: 31780
Fax: 514-843-1479
email: jo-ann.bader <@t> mcgill.ca

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