[Histonet] Program for NSH in Denver

Nancy Lemke nsnwl <@t> neuro.hfh.edu
Wed Mar 21 17:00:09 CDT 2007

The educational sessions are listed in detail  on the website.

Nancy Lemke
Research Coordinator
Hermelin Brain Tumor Center
Henry Ford Hospital
-----Original message-----
From: "Bartlett, Jeanine (CDC/CCID/NCZVED)" jqb7 <@t> cdc.gov
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 17:48:10 -0400
To: "Pamela Marcum" pmarcum <@t> vet.upenn.edu
Subject: RE: [Histonet] Program for NSH in Denver

> I went to their website and the actual workshops are not > yet listed.  I would email them directly, but I don't rem> ember ever getting a program this early.
Jeanine Bart> lett

	-----Original Message----- 
	From:>  histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu on behalf of P> amela Marcum 
	Sent: Wed 3/21/2007 4:09 PM 
	To: histon> et <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu 
	Subject: [Histonet]>  Program for NSH in Denver

	Has anyone gotte> n an actual program from NSH for the meeting?  It
	reall> y does not matter to me in one way as it is too late to a> pply to
	go with the University at this point.  I don't > know about other
	facilities requirements however we hav> e to justify why we are going
	and show the classes befo> re it is cleared.  That must be done at
	least by the en> d of February for my area.  It has gotten later every yea> r!!
	Best Regards,
	Pamela A Marcum
	Manag> er, Histology Special Procedures
	University of Pennsylv> ania
	School of Veterinary Medicine
	R.S. Reynolds Jr. >  CORL
	New Bolton Center
	382 West Street Road
	Kennet> t Square, PA 19348
	Phone - 610-925-6278
	Fax     - > 610-925-8120
	E-mail - pmarcum <@t> vet.upenn.edu
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	Histonet m> ailing list
	Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
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