[Histonet] glycerol-coated glass slides

Castillos, Luminita lcastillos <@t> cogenics.com
Mon Jun 11 11:51:08 CDT 2007

Hi Rene, 


It's a very good point. I am following a method found in a publication which is focused on the efficiency of microdissection of skin punch biopsies. The strong intercellular adhesive forces from the skin reduce the adhesive forces of laser film to the tissue and consequently the preparation of the samples for LCM. For the successful lift of cells it is critical that the force of attraction between the tissue and film be greater than that of the tissue to the slide. Electrostatic forces are minimized by the coating of the glass slides prior to cryosection with 3% glycerol and utilizing high-quality charge-free Superfrost slides. Based on this, I was wondering if there is a specific protocol of glycerol-coating slides to help with microdissection. Thanks Rene.





From: Rene J Buesa [mailto:rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com] 
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 12:37 PM
To: Castillos, Luminita; histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: Re: [Histonet] glycerol-coated glass slides



Frankly I am at a loss with your question. Glycerol (propano-triol) is an alcohol and will not stick to the glass, even less at a 3% concentration.

Glycerol sometimes is used as a component for some mounting fluids and in those cases it has to be contained within a solid ring (of sealant) to prevent its evaporation.

Do you have a specific technique you need the glycerol for?

Could you be more specific?

René J.

"Castillos, Luminita" <lcastillos <@t> cogenics.com> wrote:

	Hi everybody, 
	I am looking to find a protocol for coating charge-free glass slides
	with 3% glycerol. Does anybody has a protocol of this type or maybe
	knows a vendor who delivers ready-to-use glycerol-coated glass slides?.
	Thank you for any feedback on this issue.
	Sincerely, L
	Histonet mailing list
	Histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu



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