[Histonet] combined ISH/IHC

Mikael Niku mikael.niku <@t> helsinki.fi
Thu Jun 7 02:41:03 CDT 2007

Dear Jimmy and others,

I'm still here (who would survive without Histonet!) and happy to share 
my protocols.
However, my email address might change in the future, so please use 
firstname.surname[nospamplease]gmail.com to contact me directly.

With best regards,


  Mikael Niku             URL: mikael.nikunnakki.info
  University of Helsinki  Dept. Basic Veterinary Sciences

  - Mitäkö mieltä olen länsimaisesta sivistyksestä?
  Minusta se olisi erinomainen ajatus!                                                        
                                          - Gandhi


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