[Histonet] Hope someone out there can let me know what you do. I was having an issue of numbers coming off the

Kate Mendell KMENDELL <@t> nhs-healthlink.org
Fri Jan 26 12:02:26 CST 2007

Hope someone out there can let me know what you do.  I was having an
issue of numbers coming off the cassettes during processing.  After
trying different thing for the last two months the PA informed me that
Carnoys was being used (to set the ink) and was not always rinsed off. 
This may also explain the problem I was having with my recycler
(formalin).  The PA switch to 4% acetic acid, blocks are better (a
little) but she said she still isn't rinsing and there is no need to
that others out there are not rinsing.  What do others do.  


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