[Histonet] H pylori controls
Brian Chelack
brian.chelack <@t> usask.ca
Fri Jan 26 09:24:56 CST 2007
Hello Jessica;
Funny you should mention the H pylori controls. I have been working this
week with one of our graduate students to create some new formalin fixed
control blocks.
What we have done is grown up some ATCC 26695 H. pylori and mixed it with
some low melting point agarose, created small plugs by adding the still
melted agarose into 96 well PVC plates, removing the cooled plugs and drop
them into formalin and process into paraffin blocks. They are quite nice. I
told the grad student that people would probably pay for controls as nice as
these so now she has gone and made hundreds of them. I figure that for all
her time and initiative that a block like this should be worth $20. If you
or any one else is interested, I can give you her email address and you can
negotiate. I know that I have enough control material to last for the next
50 years.
Brian Chelack
Prairie Diagnostic Services
52 Campus Drive
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 5B4
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