[Histonet] DAB brdU protocol

Rene J Buesa rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Sun Jan 14 13:52:33 CST 2007

  Although I do not know what "OE" stands for, I assume that with "DAB" you are referring to "Di-Amino-Benzidine". If this is the case, DAB is the chromogen that you use AFTER completing the whole IHC (ImmunoHistoChemistry) procedure, meaning that you will have to use first a primary antibody (to the specific antigen you want to detect), followed by the detection system you want to use. This detection step is not necessary for fluorescence protocols.
  If this is the case you need the protocol for the whole procedure, not just for the final step.
  If what you have been using are fluorescent markers (FITCI conjugated) I really do  not know how you can make the DAB react with those FITCI conjugated antibodies.
  I don't know if this helps you.
  René J. 

Stephen Clark <sclark59 <@t> hotmail.com> wrote:
  Does anyone have a protocol for DAB staining, specifically for mouse OE sections at about 10 or 18um using brdU? I had been using fluorescent staining procedures, but i wanted to try something non-flourescent to elimate any problems with autoflourescence. I have tried it a few times already with a rough protocol supplied by a colleague with little success.
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