[Histonet] B-Plus Fixative

Rene J Buesa rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Tue Jan 9 09:31:54 CST 2007

  Mercury containing fixatives are a thing of the past; they are personally and environmentally dangerous and, although nuclear detail is very good, you can obtain similar details following very simple steps:
  1-make sure your fixative is REALLY neutral, the fresher, the better;
  2-fix the biopsies correctly;
  3-section as thin as possible;
  4-make sure that the sections are TOTALLY drained before heat drying them; and
  5-use the regressive hematoxylin with acetic acid.
  René J.

Jessica Piche <jessgrocki <@t> yahoo.com> wrote:

We are trying to get our pathologists to stop using mercury based fixatives for lymph node fixation. We were wondering what people's opinions are regarding non-mercury containing fixatives for lymph node fixation, particularly what you thought of B-plus fixative. 

Any information anyone could provide regarding any kind of lymph node fixative would be great!

Thank you!!

Jessica Piche-Grocki, HT (ASCP)
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