[Histonet] Re: Bone Marrow stain

RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Sat Jan 6 13:56:40 CST 2007

Jennifer Cresor (where?) asks about bone marrow staining.

If you're staining smears, all the Romanovsky (polychrome) type stains work 
the same way - Giemsa, Wright, what have you. Smear preparation, time staining, 
and other details of technique are very important. It's particularly 
important to avoid even the slightest water contamination of your stock bottle of 
stain. I expect your pathologists to know these things and to carefully supervise 
your technique until the results are satisfactory (dream on!)

If you're staining tissue sections - I don't know of any Romanovsky stain 
method that works on formalin fixed tissues. Back in the days when dinosaurs 
walked the earth, we fixed the tissue in Zenker's or Helly's fixative (contains 
both mercury and chromium. B-5 doesn't work) and did the old Wolbach Giemsa 
stain - I can give you more information on that if you're interested.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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