[Histonet] Tracing Nerves with India Ink?

Angelina Fong fong <@t> zoology.ubc.ca
Fri Aug 31 12:13:36 CDT 2007

Hi everyone,

My supervisor told me and one of the grad student about tracing nerves 
with India Ink.  We have had no luck finding any references where people 
have used this technique and was wondering if anyone has any experience 
with this?

The reason we need this is to try and trace the vagus nerves in fixed 
reptiles to try to find some of the finer terminal branches of the 
vagus.  We can see a large ganglion so we are inject dyes into the 
ganglion to allow it to travel down the nerve.  The idea for using India 
Ink was so we can see the nerves go black without any further 
processing.  We want to see if we can see where the nerves terminate 
before removing the section of blood vessels where the terminates are so 
we can dissect out the appropriate section for further processing.

Our supervisor said he's seen it done with India Ink, but we will 
entertain any ideas. 

Appreciate any help you can give us. 




Angelina Y. Fong, Ph.D.
Department of Zoology
Biological Sciences Building
6270 University Boulevard
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4

Ph:  (604) 822-5990
Fax: (604) 822-2416
Email: fong <@t> zoology.ubc.ca

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