[Histonet] Retirement/Pension

Collins, Michael mike.collins <@t> imperial.ac.uk
Thu Aug 23 09:58:48 CDT 2007

Congratulations Jacqui! I could benefit from some advice from British
histonetters about missing pensions. I was a research assistant in the
Dept. of Histopathology, Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School,
Westminster site from 1984-1986 and paid 6% of my salary into the
superannuation scheme under the Whitley Council regulations as specified
in my contract. When my contract ended, I left the country for about 10
weeks, returned and did some teaching before becoming a research
assistant in histopath at the Royal College of Surgeons and University
College. When in later years I tried to claim my pension, no trace of my
payments could be found. Westminster closed and the assets were
transferred to Charing Cross before the Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
opened. I've got more than 30 years of histology under my belt! Thanks
in advance, Mike.

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