[Histonet] Re: Alcian yellow

RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com RSRICHMOND <@t> aol.com
Tue Aug 14 14:37:04 CDT 2007

As many of you know, Dick Dapson at Anatech worked out an environmentally 
safe synthesis for Alcian blue several years ago, and this manufacturing process 
is actually in use.

Dapson reported that he could synthesize Alcian yellow, but that the product 
did not have a satisfactory shelf life, and he eventually abandoned it and 
substituted a different yellow dye.

Both Alcian blue and Alcian yellow are synthesized by the old environmentally 
unsafe methods in countries that do not concern themselves about the safety 
of workers. If such countries are the only source of Alcian yellow, I would be 
reluctant to buy it, particularly since a satisfactory substitute is 

I have no connection with Anatech, and I have no personal experience with any 
of the yellow dyes involved here.

Bob Richmond
Samurai Pathologist
Knoxville TN

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