[Histonet] freezing microtome

Olek Michalski olek.michalski <@t> nencki.gov.pl
Mon Apr 23 09:29:56 CDT 2007

Dear Histonetters,

I've just found a freezing microtome in our laboratory. It's Microm HM  
440E w/ K400 fast freezing unit. I'd like to get it running but can't find  
a piece of manual. Our technical lady claims that the freezing unit  
haven't ever been used. I don't like to break it by improper operation, so  
could anybody tell me how to do the test run and what to check before?
Another issue: I've noticed that there is a large metal clamp inside the  
knife holder with a screw connector. I suppose it is for cooling the knife  
and I should connect the clamp to the cooling stage. The problem is I have  
no idea how the connector look like and I have to find it in the large box  
full of parts. If I eventually find it, will it work efficiently? I'd like  
to cut large pieces of brain about 15mm thick into 40um sections frozen to  
-30 C deg. Do anybody have such experience?

Best regards
Olek Michalski
    a,      dd'
  !4aPLa  _J'4;. .   .        Laboratory of Neurobiology
    -!L?!9w_a, ?0L,"'.       of Development and Evolution
      ?l -\aJ'aP'
      j\aas  j1        Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology
    _dW~   "ajl        ul. Pasteura 3, 02-093 Warszawa,  Poland
    _#'     -\L        Tel. +48 22 5892268,  Fax +48 22 8225342

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