[Histonet] RE:Industrial Histology

Linda Jenkins jlinda <@t> ces.clemson.edu
Thu Apr 19 07:42:04 CDT 2007

Hi, RJ!
	You stated:
"My application is obtaining high-quality cross sections of 
multilayer film using a cryostat microtome, for optical and FTIR 
microscopic analysis.

Does anyone have any experience with an application of this ilk?  If 
so, I'd really like to compare notes."

	1. Well...been there, done that, NOT easy!  Sounds like a perfect 
opportunity to use a tape-transfer technique.  If you are not 
familiar with this technique, see 
	2. I would definitely use a high profile disposable blade.
	3. Wear red the day you try sectioning!  Now, there is no scientific 
evidence that this helps...it just seems to work for me:-)

Good Luck!

Linda (wearing red today) 

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