[Histonet] difference between..

Rene J Buesa rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Wed Apr 18 09:48:11 CDT 2007

Medical "technician" or laboratory "technician" is somebody usually with some level of licensure to complete less complex tasks in the laboratory (in our case the histology laboratory). The technician can for example embed, cut and routine stain, but should not do special stains or IHC, which are tasks that should be completed by the technologist.
  A laboratory assistant is somebody with the educational level described in your SOP (or in the hiring manual of your institution) that is usually a high school diploma, and that receives special training in the laboratory to do non-complex tasks, or those tasks that can be done automatically, like taking care of automated routine stainers or coverslippers, changing reagents in the tissue processor, recycling tasks and the like.
  René J.`
Michelle Perrins <Michelle.Perrins <@t> uct.ac.za> wrote:
What is the definition of a Laboratory Assistant and a Medical

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