[Histonet] Re: Alcian Yellow & Alcian Blue 8GX

Kemlo Rogerson Kemlo.Rogerson <@t> waht.swest.nhs.uk
Fri Nov 17 04:03:47 CST 2006

My wife has a used husband for sale. Cheap, some mileage, tends to be
unreliable at times. A renovators challenge!!




Got someone interested in your wife's used husband. But she needs to
know some details;


1)    Has he got his own teeth?

2)    Is he continent?

3)    Are there any special washing instructions?

4)    Is there any manufacturers guarantee?

5)    Is he house trained?

6)    Has he had all his shots?


I'm sure if you have reasonable answers then we can broker a deal; how
much were you thinking of?


Kemlo Rogerson

Pathology Manager

Ext  3311

DD   01934 647057

Mob 07749 754194

Pager 07659 597107

E-Mail: kemlo.rogerson <@t> nhs.net


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