[Histonet] rat myelofibrosis questions

Missy bayoubelle311 <@t> gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 10:37:46 CST 2006

Hi all,

Sorry to bother again, I just have a quick question.  I am looking for
myelofibrosis in rat, we had intended to look at the femur,  however we got
to talking and brainstorming and were wondering if the ilium would be a
better place to look.  Since the iliac crest is the location of bone marrow
biopsy in human, and that way we can "double dip" on the animals and use the
femur for another assay.  Do you think it will work or has any one gotten
positive results using the ilium?
Also, regardless of wehter we use femur or ilium, which concentration of
EDTA is optimum for decal?


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