[Histonet] Skin Artifact Identification

Kemlo Rogerson kemlo.rogerson <@t> waht.swest.nhs.uk
Tue May 16 03:32:39 CDT 2006

Vacuoles or bubbles? Terry Marshall is the expert on skin biopsy nuclei and
vacuoles/ bubbles. It is IMHO, a product of a 'soft' fixatives that allows
subsequent heat (water bath/ oven) to cause the nuclei to 'bubble'. Adequate
fixation or fixation with a 'hard' fixative (mercury, zinc) seems to
eradicate as does turning down the water bath and oven; but the sections
then float off sometimes.  

Kemlo Rogerson
Pathology Manager
Ext  3311
DD   01934 647057
Mob 07749 754194

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