[Histonet] Illinois Society for Histotechnologists - Annual Symposium May 18 & 19, 2006

Histonews dpconsult <@t> earthlink.net
Tue Mar 21 07:49:46 CST 2006

Illinois Society for Histotechnologists
Annual Symposium Convention
May 18 & 19, 2006
Lisle Hilton, Lisle, IL

Histotechs Searching for the Tree of Knowledge

The Illinois Society for Histotechnologists invites you to join us for the
Annual Symposium/Convention which will be held this year at the beautiful
Hilton Lisle/Naperville on May 18 &19, 2006. Once again the 10 half-day
workshops will be presented along with one half day of lectures.
All workshops are approved for continuing education

Hilton Lisle/Naperville
3003 Corporate West Drive
Lisle, Illinois
Room rates for the 2006 ISH Symposium are $99 -$109
Please call by April 15 and mention the ISH when making your reservation to
receive this rate.

[The program and registration is included in this message below]

Any questions??? 
Eileen Dusek:  e_dusek1 <@t> comcast.net  (630) 527-3545

Judy Bordyn:  jborydn <@t> comcast.net

Educational Programs

Thursday May 18 
7:00 - 8:00  Registration [Rolls, coffee and juice provided]

Morning Lectures

  8:00  -  8:15            President’s Welcome        Jane Chladny
  8:15 -   9:00            Cytology for Histologists   Michelle Benruebin
  9:00 - 10:15            Future of Histology            Jim Robinson

10:15 - 10:45 Break with Vendors

10:45 - 11:15   Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies: 
                         A brief, Prospective from the Animal World
11:15 - 12:00   Histology Jeopardy  Ray Ortiz

12:00 -   1:00   Lunch 

  1:00 - 4:30   Afternoon Workshops
[ 2:30 - 3:30  Break with Vendors]

#1  A Brave New World: An Introduction to Molecular Pathology. 
         Dr. Thomas Haas
#2  Dilutions, Titrations and then Some.  
        Jim Chalmers
#3 New Direction in the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program 
        Dr. Francis E. Sharkey

Friday May 19
  7:00 -   8:00  Registration
  8:00 - 11:45  Morning Workshops
[ 9:45 - 10:30  Break with Vendors]

#4  DIY Basic Repair and Maintenance of the Equipment in Your Lab
         Matt Mincer and Stanley Weglarz
#5  Florescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH), 
      Theory and Application on Paraffin Embedded Tissue
         Yelina X. Noskina
#6  DAKO  The Continuum from Antibodies to Personalized Medicine
          Mary Cheles                        
11:45 - 1:00   Lunch & Awards Ceremony

#7  Emerging Infectious Diseases and Zoonotic Agents; the new, the old and
         Maureen Doran and Jane Chladny            

#8  How to Motivate your Team 
          Sally Johnson
#9 Histology Nuts and Bolts- Back to the Basics
         MariAnn Mailhoit


#1 The last several decades have shown an increase in the role of genetics
in a variety of laboratory testing methods. Diagnostic molecular pathology
has become one of the fastest growing fields in pathology, and promises to
continue to do so. This seminar will present basic genetic and molecular
principles that will allow continued familiarity with ongoing rapid progress
and advancement seen with this relatively new discipline. In Molecular
Pathology, molecular biology methods are used to test DNA and/or RNA from
patients specimens, diagnose disease, direct choice of therapy, detect
residual/recurrent disease after therapy and provide prognostic information
for the patient. The intent of this course will be to provide a foundation
in molecular pathology laboratory. Certain diseases will be presented as
case studies and illustration of methods used. Additionally, new areas of
research and development in molecular pathology will be examined.

#2.  This is a presentation that takes the “student” back to some basic
laboratory practices. It will discuss what dilutions and titrations are and
how, when and why to set them up in a lab. Basic pipette use, calibration
and record keeping will be reviewed as well as different of pipettes.
Formulas for primary dilutions and making them from a working stock will be
discussed. Record keeping, “Spec Sheet” and control tissue will also be
presented. A cost comparison between concentrates and predilutes, showing
the pros and cons for each. 

#3 This session will focus on changes to the CAP Laboratory Accreditation
process and inspection checklists. Topics will include an overview of a new
development in the accreditation program (e.g., unannounced inspections, new
Team Leader Checklists, Inspector tools and inspection techniques, focus on
patient safety, mandatory team leader training, and Anatomic Pathology
Checklists changes to Histology). The participants’ will understand the
rationale behind these new developments

#4 Let’s face it: Life in the lab is stressful enough without having to
worry whether your equipment will work when you get there, Over the years we
have found that many problems can be resolved quite
easily and with no technical background. This workshop is designed to help
the Histotech resolve many of these issues without having to “call the
service guys”. We will attempt to show you as many quick and easy fixes as
we can. We will also discuss maintenance and some do’ s and don’ts that will
help prevent future problems. Hopefully you find this information helpful
and use it to avoid potential needless service calls

#5 Although FISH has been a technique in use sine 1984 it was not commonly
available fro cytogenetic analysis until early 1990’s, with the use of FISH
on paraffin embedded tissue sections first described in 1992. While the
principals of FISH technology are straightforward, proper technique is
important in obtaining accurate results. FISH technologies have become a
cornerstone in genetic research and the development of personalized drug
therapies. It is in the area of clinical assessment where FISH already
provides valuable information to physicians. Proper technique for the use of
FISH on paraffin sections, once established can be used for a myriad of
applications. One such FISH assay is the determination of HER2 status
currently provides valuable information regarding prognostic outcomes and
predicts therapeutic value. Overall, FISH ,a powerful tool in the area of
molecular and cytogenitic research, has expanded into the field of
Histology, where future assays may progress to the level that HER2 FISH
status holds today.

#6 Dako Targeted-therapy. Predictive medicine. What does all this mean and
where does the histology community fit in? The Analysis of a patient has
historically relied on morphology and the evaluation of individual
antibodies on pathological tissue. Therapeutic antibodies have become
important strategy in the treatment of various solid tumors requiring
involvement by pathology and laboratory medicine to meet the challenge. In
the future, personalized medicine will define the effects of a therapy based
on an individual’s genes and protein profile. In this workshop we will
review this continuum leading us towards personalized medicine.

#7 What are the risks of handling biohazards such as Tuberculosis, herpes
B-virus and rabies. Discussion will include recommended procedures for
bioterrorism agents such as tularemia and anthrax, also emerging diseases,
like West Nile virus, SARS, avian flu and transmissible spongiform
encephalopathies. Handling of these and other biohazards will be covered in
this workshop. Exposure assessment, evaluation of risks and biosafety levels
will be addressed, as well as containment, engineering controls, personal
protective equipment and decontamination. Case histories of
zoonotic exposure in laboratory workers will be used to predict future

#8. How to motivate your team is a dynamic and emergent seminar based on
research and practicality. It offers hands on strategy for communication and
ideas to enhance component to enjoy your job and be successful and
versatile. This seminar will also reveal the secrets on how to tap into your
teams talents and arrive at great quality with an improved turn around time
for your organization.

#9.Ever wonder why we do things the way we do them? As a participant you
will learn things like: What does formalin, alcohol , and xylene or xylene
substitute do to the tissue during processing? What is the proper way to
embed skin? Does it really matter how I turn the wheel on my microtome. H&E
stains are yucky, where and how do I resolve the problem? How thin ins too
thin and how thick is too thick. Whether you are a newcomer or an old
schooler, a review of basic Histology is essential.

2-Day Pass  $300 _______ 
[Two techs from one institution may be present at any given time
during both days of the meeting]  (Maximum of 8 different people)

Facility Information:

Thursday May 18
Morning Session, LECTURE
Tech #1_________________________________
Tech #2_________________________________
Afternoon Session, WORKSHOP
Tech #1_________________________________
Tech #2_________________________________

Friday, May 19
Morning Session, WORKSHOP
Tech #1_________________________________
Tech #2_________________________________
Afternoon Session, WORKSHOP
Tech #1_________________________________
Tech #2_________________________________

1 Day Pass  $175_________
[Two Techs from one institution may be present at any given time
on Thursday OR Friday] (Maximum of 4 different people)

Facility Information

Please choose day techs will be attending:
__________May 18
__________May 19

Morning Session List Lecture or Workshop
Tech #1__________________________________________
Tech #2 _________________________________________

Afternoon Session, List Workshop
Tech #1__________________________________________
Tech #2__________________________________________

Please return by April15, 2006

$30_______ Registration Fee (non refundable)___Non Members [Includes ISH
$10_______ Registration Fee (non refundable)___Members

Thursday  May 18
$45_______ Lecture Session (Morning)
Afternoon Workshops (Choose 1)
$45_______#1 Brave New World, Molecular Pathology
$45_______#2 Dilution, Titration and Then Some
$45_______#3 New Direction in the CAP Lab. Accreditation

Friday May 19
Morning Workshops (Choose 1)
$45_______#4    DIY Repair and Maintenance of Equipment
$45_______#5     FISH on Paraffin Embedded Tissue
$45_______#6    Continuum from Antibody to Personalized Medicine

Afternoon Workshops (Choose 1)
$45_______#7   Emerging Infectious Diseases
$45_______#8  How to Motivate your Team
$45_______#9  Histology Nuts and Bolts

Home Address:
Home Phone_______________________

Work Address:
Work Phone _______________________

Would you prefer information sent to home or work?_______________

eMail Address _____________________________________________________

I would prefer to be contacted primarily by email. YES_____NO______

 All information will be used only for ISH membership purposes

Please return by April 15, with check payable to:
Illinois Society for Histotechnologists
C/O Judy Bordyn
532 65th Street
Downers Grove, Ill 60516

Any questions??? 
E-mail Judy at  jborydn <@t> comcast.net or 
Eileen Dusek at e_dusek1 <@t> comcast.net  (630) 527-3545

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