[Histonet] Normal solution

Dolors Fuster d.fuster <@t> ub.edu
Fri Mar 10 09:54:09 CST 2006

*Hi histonetters!

I was looking in archives how to made a Normal solution and found the following explanation:*

ok....here we go.  a 1N solution equals 1 gram-equivalent weight of compound in a liter of water.  the gram-equivalent weight 
is determined by dividing the molecular weight by the number of hydrogen ions (or -OH groups) per formula.  
so, in the case of sodium hydroxide (NaOH....a single hydroxyl group) the gram-equivalent weight is 40g 
(ok....i'm rounding a bit for simplicity).  
so a 1N solution would be 40g/L.....therefore, a 2N solution would be 80g/L and a 5N solution would be 200g/L.

carrie kyle-byrne

*It's a really good explanation for me but I still have a question. Have I to follow the same 
procedure with liquids? 
What have I to do if I need a Normal solution of hydrocloric acid, nitric acid, iso-propylic alcohol 
or any other liquid compound?
Have I to use the same amount of ml than gr used with solids applying the same formula?

Thanks in advance

Dolors Fuster 
Tècnic Especialista en Anatomia Patologica i Citologia
Facultat de Medicina
Dep. d'Anatomia i Embriologia Humana
Universitat de Barcelona*

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