[Histonet] Distinguishing human cells in grafts

Nicola Cragg n.cragg <@t> epistem.co.uk
Tue Jul 25 11:10:19 CDT 2006

Hi Jason & Histonetters,

We use Hoechst stain (33258) to distinguish between human and mouse
cells in grafts.  It's really quick & easy, just dewax, rehydrate &
incubate in Hoechst at 4ug/ml for 1 minute, rinse with runnig water for
5 minutes, coverslip with an anti-fade mountant & look under a
fluroescene microscope.  Mouse cells show discrete intranuclear
fluorescent bodies, i.e. they appear "spotty"/ punctate / grainy, but
human cells don't, i.e they appear plain.

Hope this helps,

Manchester, UK

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