[Histonet] Patient slide send-out
Rene J Buesa
rjbuesa <@t> yahoo.com
Tue Aug 22 14:05:17 CDT 2006
We used to send recuts and they were charged at our current rate. We also added shipping/handling costs. The bill was sent to the facility the slides were mailed to.
René J.
Richard Cartun <Rcartun <@t> harthosp.org> wrote:
Our Anatomic Pathology Office is overwhelmed with requests from patients
asking for their pathology slides to be sent to another medical
institution (for second opinion, additional surgery or therapy, etc.).
Is it legal to charge patients for this service? We don't have the
personnel to handle these requests in a timely fashion and we can no
longer afford to "eat" the shipping costs. Thank you.
Richard W. Cartun, Ph.D.
Director, Immunopathology & Histology
Assistant Director, Anatomic Pathology
Hartford Hospital
80 Seymour Street
Hartford, CT 06102
(860) 545-1596
(860) 545-0174 Fax
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