[Histonet] Antibodies for human cartilage

L.Driessen <@t> orthop.umcn.nl L.Driessen <@t> orthop.umcn.nl
Thu Apr 6 00:54:04 CDT 2006


We're are looking for good antibodies that can be used on human cartilage. We already perform histochemic stainings like alcian blue, toluidin blue and safranin, but now we also want to do immuno on it. We already have an antibody for collagen type II that can be used, but we would like to know if there are other antobodies that can be used for human cartilage. We work on frozen sections and cell-cultures.

Thank you

Léon Driessen
Orthopaedisch Research Lab
UMC St. Radboudziekenhuis, Nijmegen
l.driessen <@t> orthop.umcn.nl

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