[Histonet] IHC background problems on chicken embryos
Brian Chelack
BRIAN.CHELACK <@t> usask.ca
Tue Sep 27 10:46:25 CDT 2005
Hello Katri;
Your problem is related to the high levels of avidin in your
tissues. Remember avidin is sourced from "chicken eggs"!!!
In my veterinary IHC world I have pretty well given up on
using avidin-biotin based IHC on avian samples, due to the
excessive non-specific binding to various tissues,
especially liver. My recommendation is to switch your
detection system to a non-ABC based system such as Dako's
Envision or even Peroxidase-anti-peroxidase. In general the
amplification is a bit less using Envision or PAP, but the
slides are much better signal to noise wise.
Brian Chelack
Prairie Diagnostic Services
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