[Histonet] antigen retrieval for IHC
Morken, Tim - Labvision
tpmorken <@t> labvision.com
Mon Sep 26 12:12:32 CDT 2005
It's true that most papers by Shi et al are on high-temperature antigen
retrieval, but in their book on antigen retrieval (Antigen retrieval
Techniques, Immunohistochemistry and Molecular Morphology, ed. Shan-Rong Shi
et al, Eaton Publishing, 2000) they make clear that the term "antigen
retrieval" should cover all types -enzyme, heat, or other. In fact they make
a plea for everyone publishing methods to use the term "antigen retrieval"
so matter what the method so that databases are easy to search. With the
plethora of terms used to decribe the methods it is nearly impossible to
find all the methods developed in the past 14 years. Part of the reason for
people using all the different terms was the assumption by many that
BioGenex had trademarked the term. BioGenex did apply for a trademark, but
then withdrew it. So the term is open to all to use. However, BioGenex does
have a patent on a very specific method of antigen retrieval, and some
antigen retrieval buffer formulations.
Tim Morken
Lab Vision - Neomarkers
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From: histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
[mailto:histonet-bounces <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu] On Behalf Of John Kiernan
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 11:14 PM
To: Maria Mejia
Cc: histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu
Subject: Re: [Histonet] antigen retrieval for IHC
Maria, can you give chapter and verse for the Shi/Taylor
and Puchrler/Meloan papers? Most papers with Shi and Taylor among the
authors are about high temperature antigen retrieval (boiling water, with pH
optima for various antigens).
Holde Puchtler and Susan Meloan published many imortant papers about
staining ad histochemistry in the 1970s=1980s. Susan M
was a histonetter in the 1990s.
Maria Mejia wrote:
> Hello,
> I believe it was sometime in June of this year that there was a
> discussion on the histonet regarding "the simplest form" of reversing
> the effects for formalin fixation on tissue was to wash the tissue
> well (before) processing.
> Well, I just read the article "Antigen retrieval IHC: Past, Present, &
> Future by Shan-Rong Shi, richard J. Cote & Clive R. Taylor (can google
> this article). It's
> a very interesting! Anyway, the article has a section titled non-heating
> AR method stating (this) same simple method by (Puchtler & Meloan). It
> goes on to say that Elias JM (1990) adopted this method routinely by
> deparaffinized in fresh changes of 10% sucrose/PBS @ 4C overnight (before)
> IHC.
> My questions are, does anyone know or tried this method used by Elias?
> And, can anyone explain the mechanism of 10% sucrose/PBS play in this
> AR method?
> Just curious!
> Maria Bartola Mejia
> Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
> San Francisco, CA 94115
> Email: maria <@t> ski.org
> Phone: (415)-345-2185
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