[Histonet] Question about fixation

Trajkovic, Dusko dusko.trajkovic <@t> pfizer.com
Fri Oct 7 09:25:17 CDT 2005

I received this email from a colleague. Can someone help him out????
Thank you,
Dusko Trajkovic

Just wanted to send you a quick summary of my question from yesterday:

I wanted to know how to best fix late term mouse embryo heads, such 
as e14.5 and onward, esp injected with a virus that expresses 
GFP.  What I would ideally like to do is to cut, mount, stain with 
DAPI, and directly visualize by fluorescence 
microscopy.  Immersion-fixation in 4% PFA does not seem to work that 
well in general for head fixation.  Would formalin immersion-fixation 
work better?  Or other alternative fixatives?  What about 
autofluorescence from these other fixatives?

Thanks and see you later,

Yun C. Yung
Graduate student
Chun Lab, Dept of Molecular Biology
The Scripps Research Institute
yyung <@t> scripps.edu

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