[Histonet] RE: Sakura Xpress
Osborn, Sharon
sharon.osborn <@t> dnax.org
Fri Mar 25 10:59:29 CST 2005
Recently, I visited Good Samuel Hospital in Portland, OR. where they
have the Sakura Xpress. The pathologists state it needs tweaking for not
all the tissues are fully fixed or processed during the cycles. They did
state that the training to cut the tissues is very precise and necessary for
good results. Some of the pathologists do not wish to change their ways of
grossing so that could present a problem. It may also need the times
adjusted although Sakura has worked out times in the Florida test pilot.
Their rationale for getting this was histotech shortage to do the work so
needing to have more efficient methods/means of production. The impression
I have is it may take a commitment of time to do the training, adjusting (of
equipment and people attitudes) and experimentation to get the instrument
doing what it is designed optimally to do.
If you are considering this equipment, it is imperative that your
pathologists or PA or whomever is grossing (possibly all of them) are
onboard the commitment. These are the crucial ones to getting the optimal
processing through the machine. Plus, there is a second component that does
the automatic sectioning of the blocks--this would definitely require the
grossing personnel to be diligent in cutting and placing the tissue into the
cassette for it is WYSIWYG--no chance to change it later.
I remember that 20 years ago I made a statement to the effect that
embedding and cutting of tissues could not be automated. Now, there is a
machine that is doing pretty much that!
sharon osborn
Palo Alto, CA
Message: 13
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 14:22:49 -0600
From: "Linda Jones" <ljones <@t> pathology.umsmed.edu>
Subject: Fwd: [Histonet] Tissue Tek Xpress
To: <histonet <@t> lists.utsouthwestern.edu>
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I would like to know about the Tissue Tek Xpress?
Linda Harper-Jones BS.,HT/ HTL(ASCP)
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Department of Pathology
Chief Histotechnologist Supervisor
(601) 984-1576
(601) 984-4968 Fax
ljones <@t> pathology.umsmed.edu
>>> "Donna M. Nolan" <DNolan <@t> evanhospital.com> 3/24/2005 1:52:00 PM
Has any one purchased the Tissue Tek Xpress processor? What on the
pros and cons of this instrument? We routinely process overnight, in
the morning block, cut etc. What is the workflow in a lab with this
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