[Histonet] PCNA on cryosection

Till, Renee TillRenee <@t> uams.edu
Wed Mar 23 07:49:56 CST 2005

Can anyone give me a general protocol for what to do with cryosections
that will be used for the PCNA stain? I have the PCNA kit from Zymed.
They say you can use them on frozens, but that is about all the help
they give. I know I asked this question before, but this time I actually
have a specific stain in mind. One of my other Zymed kits says to fix in
acetone, so I thought I might do that. Should you fix after cutting, or
wait until you are going to use the slides? If you are going to wait I
would think the slides should be kept in -80? Any suggestions? 


Renee' Till, HT


Arkansas Childrens Nutrition Center

1120 Marshall

Little Rock, AR 



(501) 364-2774


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